Monday, December 15, 2008


“…I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character….” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let us now see the crooked dreams of a few Malaysians that we have heard in our daily lives:

“I have a dream that I should look like me, and I should sound like me and it should never be me!”  V.K.Linggam

“I have a dream that I should be able to carry out all my evil plans, and my enemies will fail to notice, and I have a dream that if I am caught red-handed, I have the will to deny it!” Khir Toyo

“I have a dream that one day my son will become the prime minister of  this land, and I have a dream that the Ringgit will be pegged once and for all, by my son. I have many dreams now, since Najib will be the prime minister.” Mahathir Mohamad

“I have a dream that the speed post would be able to deliver all letters sent tomorrow, and be received by today. I have a dream that when the Hindraf 5 is released, all the people will treat me like  god. I have a dream that one day people will truly accept me as their god. I have a dream that my community will never get to nail my party’s coffin.” Samy Velu

“I have a dream that my friend Baginda will be released on lesser charges or no charge at all. I have a dream that my affair with Altantuya will be a secret forever. I have a dream that Saiful will never play my back. I have a dream to become this nation’s prime minister.” Najib Razak

“I have a dream that Raja Petra will forever remain imprisoned. I have a dream that people will forever look upon me as the descendant of the prophet. I have a dream that no Hindraf supporters will one day kill me on the street.” Syed Hamid

I have a dream that if I lose, the people will see it as a win-win situation.” Rais Yatim

“I have a dream that everyday when I sleep, I will have beautiful dreams. I have a dream that one day I will not wake up in my life. I have a dream that I want to be the modern day, sleeping beauty.” Abdullah Badawi

“My dream is shattered for now.” Khairy Jamaluddin


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